Saturday, February 22, 2014

Convert VMware virtual machine to VirtualBox

1. Clone the VMware virtual disk to the VDI format:
VBoxManage clonehd source.vmdk dest.vdi —format VDI
2. Create a new VirtualBox VM with the new VDI disk. Set the same amout of memory, number of CPUs etc.

3. Enable IO/APIC under the motherboard settings. In most cases use an IDE controller instead of the default SATA. Attach the VDI as primary master and leave a cdrom slot empty as the primary slave.

4. Boot into the new VM and remove VMware Guest Additions. If the usual program uninstall doesn’t work, attach the VMware Tools ISO as an optical drive and run the following to force uninstallation:
setup.exe /c
5. Install VirtualBox Guest Additions and reboot

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