Sometimes on the command prompt I want to open files without worrying about which application to use for it. Just like with double clicks and file associations. Set this function in your ~/.bashrc and then just use "view <filename>" to render it in the correct application.
function view() { if [ $# == 0 ]; then echo "usage: $0 <file1> [ <file2> ... ]" fi OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS="" for ARG in "$@"; do if [ -f "$ARG" ]; then MIME=$(file -b --mime-type "$ARG") MIME_1=${MIME%/*} case "$MIME" in application/pdf) evince "$ARG" & continue;; application/zip | application/x-gzip | application/x-bzip2) file-roller "$ARG" & continue;; application/ libreoffice --calc "$ARG" & continue;; application/msword) libreoffice --writer "$ARG" & continue;; esac case "$MIME_1" in archive) file-roller "$ARG" & continue;; image) eog "$ARG" & continue;; text) sublime_text "$ARG" continue;; esac echo "No handler known for type $MIME" fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS }And then re-source you Bash shell:
source ~/.bashrcYou're good to go. You might want to modify the file handlers / add some more to match your own setup.